Friday, December 13, 2019

Women in Combat Free Essays

Imagine, as a male, in frontline combat with a female on one side of you, another male on the other side of you. Who would you trust most? A majority of people would trust the male over the female because of a male’s strength and endurance, and that is the trouble. Although it is proven that most women are physically weaker than men and have forty pounds less muscle mass and thirteen pounds more fat than men, it does not mean they are not as brave, experienced, dedicated, or skillful as men in the litany. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Combat or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rosemary Skeins, author of Women at War: Gender Issues of Americans in Combat said, â€Å"It is more important to have superior technical skills, intelligence, and training [in the military than physical strength]†. Women may not be as athletic or strong as men, but they are capable of having as much or more experience and skill than the men fighting in frontline combat. The topic of whether or not women should be allowed in combat is very subjective. Some people believe that since most women are not as physically strong, they do not belong in combat. However, I think it is much more important to be mentally tough, brave, smart and aware of your surroundings. There has been no defined frontline in the current wars on terror; men and women in uniform have been exposed to the enemy almost everywhere under multiple circumstances, whether they are on a combat mission or within the security of their base. For example, an enemy can launch rockets at a base with the hope that they’ll impact somewhere Inside the base where they will destroy equipment or Injure people. In the case of people working Inside the base any one of them at any time could be a victim of these attacks. Additionally, most people think frontline combat Is just on land, face-to-face. A lot of Intense combat also takes place In the sky, being shot at while In bombers or Jets, which Is equally as dangerous as being on land. Likewise, technology has narrowed the gap between men and women In combat, making combat less about physical strength, and more about mental and physical skill and agility. Being the pilot of a fighter Jet, helicopter, or bomber does not require he physical strength It once did years ago, but Instead requires experience, skill, and courage. As long as a woman can meet the same Romulus standards that a man must meet to serve In combat, then she should be allowed to do so. Women in Combat By gammas than the men fighting in frontline combat. The topic of whether or not women should impact somewhere inside the base where they will destroy equipment or injure people. In the case of people working inside the base any one of them at any time could be a victim of these attacks. Additionally, most people think frontline combat is just on land, face-to-face. A lot of intense combat also takes place in the sky, being shot at while in bombers or Jets, which is equally as dangerous as being on land. Likewise, technology has narrowed the gap between men and women in combat, the physical strength it once did years ago, but instead requires experience, skill, and courage. As long as a woman can meet the same minimum standards that a man must meet to serve in combat, then she should be allowed to do so. How to cite Women in Combat, Papers Women in Combat Free Essays string(130) " you basically get beat up while they are trying to extract information from you while using different interrogations techniques\." In this paper I will present my position about women working in Special Forces (green berets). I will mention other countries that have women in combat positions or units. I will explain the job involvement of Special Forces, the training and qualifications required, and the job demands, both physical and mental when in a combat unit. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Combat or any similar topic only for you Order Now Base on what I had seen and been true in my 22 years in the military I’ll have to disagree with women been in Special Forces or any combat unit for that matter. In today’s 21st century, women have been able to equal and in many cases surpass men in different jobs. In mentioning some of these jobs we can include jobs like construction, road workers, police force, certain military jobs and others. All these are demanding jobs and in some cases dangerous jobs. I have to recognize that they have done pretty good so far so why stop there, why not try to get into the combat Military Occupation Skills (MOS); other countries are doing it. Well is not that simple. The job of a combat soldier is about shooting, moving, and communicating. To do these and be successfully or in this case stay alive requires a great amount of strength, especially upper body strength, which by nature women don’t poses. At the moment there are countries that do allow women in their combat units like Labia, Israel, and possible Australia. Some countries go to the extreme with what they believe their women can and can’t do. For example, in countries like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and others, the people believe that women were created just to serve and please the men. Women in these countries have no say in society or at home; they are supposed to cook, clean and have kids and that’s it. These countries are far from allowing their women to be in their military, and even farther from allowing them into combat units. In other countries it is all right for the women to serve in combat units and even die for what they believe. Countries like Libya allow women to train in combat and even have some serve as bodyguards for the former Head of State Muammar al-Gaddafi. Israel has women in the Mossad who are the Black OPS of their military which is similar to Delta Force or Special Forces. On Wednesday September 23, 2009, Taylor reported that â€Å"Australian women could serve in combat units including Special Forces† (qtd. in Taylor). Here in the United States there was, there is, and there will always be opposition to that. We are stuck in the middle of these believes, we do not oppress our women because we recognize how valuable they are, but we also understand what they were created for so we protect them. The job of Special Forces involves Unconventional Warfare which is really training guerrillas in enemy held territories. Foreign Internal Defense is used when a nation needs to purge lawlessness or protect itself from rogue nations. It’s also used in peace time to train or help friendly nations to develop their technical skills, understand human rights and help them with civil and humanitarian projects. Counterterrorist stop cells from forming by fighting terrorist and teaching other countries how to fight against terrorists. Direct Action is used when the element of surprise is needed like rescue missions, counter-drug operations, seize, capture or destroy (Schumacher 81). They are short missions that need to be executed with speed and accuracy. These jobs or missions were not created for women for the simple reason that they are dangerous and like I previously mentioned, we protect our females. The training of Special Forces have changed some from the way it use to be, but make no mistake about it, it is still very intense and demanding. The qualifications are basically the same with minor changes here and there. To begin with, you need to be a US citizen and there is no waiver for this. Then you must qualify for Airborne or volunteer for airborne training. You have to be able to swim 50 meters wearing your battle dress uniform (BDU) and boots. The Army Physical Fitness Test used to be 240, an average of 80 points in each event such as push-ups, sit-ups and the two-mile run, but it is down to 206 with no less than 60 points in any event. Individuals need a Special Forces Medical Fitness Standard, or physical. Secret Clearances are needed but can be waived for certain periods of time, and once you have all this then you can start training to become a green beret. Special Forces Assessment (SFAS) is 24 days of intense training in which your intelligence, agility and resourcefulness will be tested. After passing the SFAS you will go into the SF Qualification Course. In this course you will go through five different phases (II-VI). Individual skills, phase II, consists of life fire, small unit tactics, land navigation, and survival skills. This phase is 13 weeks of pure intensity with minimal sleep or time to eat. Phase III is the MOS qualification in which you will receive training on the Special Forces MOS you will have, and it is about another 15 weeks. The phase IV is your collective training in which you will be evaluated on your unconventional warfare operations, air and mobile infiltrations, direct action operations, methods of instruction, common skills, your specialist, and whatever else they can think about at the moment. Phase V is your language phase and is basically picked for you according to the group you will belong to and the area of operation they control. Some of the languages you might learn are Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and Russian. Last but believe me not least is phase VI, SERE course. This is the extremely realistic survival, escape, resistance, and evasion course, and did I mention that it is very realistic. This is where you basically get beat up while they are trying to extract information from you while using different interrogations techniques. You read "Women in Combat" in category "Essay examples" All this and more is what a woman will have to go true when trying to become a Special Forces Soldier. The Special Forces job demands top physical condition to be able to do all this training. One of the most necessary muscle groups to be conditioned for Special Forces is the upper body. It is this muscle group that allows the soldiers to carry the heavy weights they are required to carry. It allows them to carry each other if needed when hurt or wounded in combat or even to carry your buddy’s equipment while another soldier carries him. The strength and physical condition of a Special Forces soldier is vital for his mission accomplishment and his and the rest of the group survival. Imagine yourself jumping into a mountain area were the drop zone is around 8,000 feet of elevation; the aircraft flies at 900 feet above ground level and each team member carries a rucksack with over 100 pounds. Temperature is around 80 degrees which makes the air thin and when the team jumps they descend very fast. Some soldiers hit the ground like a falling brick; one hit a power line and is burnt but survives and the others just did ok with minor bruises. The drop zone needs to be evacuated immediately because the enemy is coming and there is no time to massage the parts of your body that really hurt. For a long time everyone has to carry their parachute and the reserve because there isn’t time to stop and bury the chutes. In addition there is an extra 5 gallon water can for every two members which adds up to 7 extra 5 gallons of water. So you have to take it all because whatever you leave behind will leave a trail for the enemy to follow you. You move all night through rocks, thick brush, and bushes, and also scale a few cliffs. Everyone’s body trembles with exhaustion and you don’t know if you will be able to pull yourself up that cliff one more time. The tough of letting go is easier than trying to keep going goes true your mind. Was I able to get my point across of how demanding and physical a mission can become and the stamina needed to continue until the mission is finished? Colonel Gerald Schumacher said, â€Å"Special Forces missions require physical fitness and exceptional stamina† (qtd. in â€Å"To be a U. S. Army Green Beret†). You also have to be mentally tough and on some occasions or missions even more than physically though. Picture yourself in the middle of a fire fight with all the screaming and yelling, and now it gets worst because the enemy is beginning to flank your team. Some of the team members start getting hit and some are dying and you can’t stop shooting to go and help them. Then artillery starts dropping all around your area and you hear over the radio that the Air Force is fixing to fly over and drop some bombs but you are pinned down and can’t get out. It’s not a pretty picture and if you are not mentally ready you won’t be able to operate under pressure. The worst part of this is when you are the man everyone looks up to for that moral support or motivation booster; you are the leader they will follow and you are losing it yourself. That is when the boys are separated from the men, when you wake up and realize how mentally tough it is to be a Special Forces soldier. The average women will not be able to withstand this and all it will do is slow down the rest of the team and can even cause losses in the team. I said this because like I have mention before we protect our women and because of that the guys will be putting their lives on the line and taking unnecessary risks just to protect the women if there were some in Special Forces. The reason I explained the qualifications, the training, the missions and all other was to show you how brutal and tough Special Forces is. To be a Special Forces Soldier is to be prepared for direct combat at any given time. The Army defines direct combat as â€Å"engaging an enemy with individual or crew-served weapons while being exposed to direct enemy fire, a high probability of direct physical contact with the enemy’s personnel, and a substantial risk of capture. Allowing women in combat goes against our nation’s culture, traditions, and religious beliefs like Judeo-Christian values. Even the Bible shows that war and fighting if necessary are the men’s responsibility. Women were made to give, sustain, and nurture life, not take it. They are by far smaller than men, therefore they are not as strong as men, and with a training leading up to missions like the ones Special Forces conduct you need to have a certain level of strength. The fact that men are stronger, especially in the upper-body, helps them carry heavier loads and for longer distances. Now there are some exceptions out there because I have came across some pretty strong women, and some not so strong but really tough. I have to admit that a few of these women will probably be able to make that training, perform these missions and keep up with the rest of the Special Forces soldiers, but like Victoria Sherrow said, â€Å"These combat training programs cannot be based on exceptions† (qtd. n â€Å"Women in the Military†). In conclusion, the Special Forces life is rough and intense. Their missions can be brutal, long and lonely. The training is hard and requires top physical condition, excellent stamina and a heck of upper-body strength. The woman was created smaller than the man and less strong, and also our nation’s values, the religious values, and other values are what put me in the position that I am in. I don’t agree wi th women in Special Forces or any combat unit for that matter. Works Cited How to cite Women in Combat, Essay examples Women in Combat Free Essays Women In Combat â€Å"From Kelly Flinn to G. I. Jane, controversy has raged in recent months over whether women are fit for military service† (Brown 326). We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Combat or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the articles â€Å"Women Unfit for Combat? Au Contraire! † and â€Å"Women are not a Warrior Class,† both authors convey their thoughts on women in combat. Both authors give many reasons why or why not women should be allowed to fight in combat. Timothy Brown, the author of â€Å"Women Unfit for Combat? Au Contraire! gives many more strong examples to argue his case than the author of â€Å"Women are not a Warrior Class† and, consequently, has a more persuasive essay. In an effort to discourage women from considering combat rolls in the military, Paul Hackett, one of the authors of â€Å"Women are not a Warrior Class,† made this bold statement in his argument, â€Å"Can women master the skills and strategies of combat as well as men? Yes. Can women mentally endure the rigors of combat as well as men? Yes. Can women meet the physical rigors of combat at the level required by the U. S. orces and in particular the U. S. Marine Corps? Absolutely not! â⠂¬  Is it fair to assume that women are incapable of having the stability to fight in combat? Brown uses the women commandos of Nicaragua who fought for their country to argue his point that if given the opportunity and encouragement, American women could effectively perform well in combat. Since the beginning of time, women have been viewed as the weaker sex. Through the years, the stature of women in society has grown, leading a way for women to become not the male’s possession but his equal. This is not true all the time, especially when dealing with women in combat. James Collins another author of â€Å"Women Unfit for Combat† argues that when women are put in life threatening conditions, many of them would rise to the challenge, but he doesn’t believe that women should be allowed to be on the front line in combat. As Brown explains, anyone who wants to fight on the front line for his/her country should be able to, regardless of sex. Women have proved themselves to be fully capable in doing most jobs a man can do. It’s not an issue of who is better. â€Å"In terms of the demands of infantry warfare, women have proved themselves capable of fighting under even the most arduous of conditions† (Brown 327). According to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, â€Å"all men and women are created equal† (WIC). Brown supports this statement made by Stanton by using personal experiences of women such as Angelica Maria. â€Å"A legend among her male peers, Angelica Maria then continued as commander of her almost all-male platoon until, wounded in ombat for a seventh time, she was forced to seek medical attention† (Brown 326). Hackett on the other hand says â€Å"The marine Corps grunts are the Olympic gold medallists when it comes to combat. If for the sake of diversity and political correctness we want to include a women in combat, then consider the cost of that decision: the silver medal in combat is defeat† (Hackett 329). The reality that Hackett can actually believe that a woman i n combat would lead to defeat is absurd and degrading to the entire female population. As Brown believes, women should be able to fight for their country, without being demoralized while doing so. Not only does Timothy Brown convince his readers that woman in combat is more than just about women’s rights and morals. He convinces his readers that women in combat are about the ability to make dreams come true is what really matters. By doing so, he is paving the way for many other men and women to speak their mind on this very important issue and also helping women progress in the field of combat. Bibliography Work Cited Brown, Timothy C. â€Å"Women Unfit for Combat? Au Contraire,† The Structure of Argument. 1994. Bedford/St. Martin’s Collins, James, Paul L. Hackett, Bill Norton. â€Å"Women are not a Warrior Class,† The Structure of Argument. 1994. Bedford/St. Martin’s The New American Desk Encyclopedia Penguin Group, New York, 1998 Women’s History in America Presented by Women’s International Center (WIC) www. wic. org/misc/history. htm Word Count: 638 How to cite Women in Combat, Papers

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